Creating Our New Life

2020. The year that would either make or break me. We all felt that way at one point or another. But for me, it was a reality.

After teaching for 7 years, I was having a breakdown. I decided in October of 2019 that I would not be returning to the classroom for the 20/21 school year. It all came to a head at the start of 2020. I was having panic attacks multiple times a week. My depression crippled me. I felt like I was barely functioning. I ended up taking medical leave in February which transitioned into teaching from home once the schools closed due to COVID-19.

Thank the Lord for therapy. My wonderful therapist asked me what I do that makes me happy. Answer? Anything outside, spending time with my son, and quilting.

I present to you, the birth of Patchwork Acres and Chrysalis, LLC.

Now, I only do work that makes me happy. I have rediscovered my passion. I have flexibility. I have the time with my son, especially now that we are doing homeschool.

What’s next?

EXPANSION! Well, slowly expanding.

For the moment, I am going to be content and happy in the season I’m in. But…… We are going to get a location! Patchwork Acres will actually be on…..acres!

Levi and I are very excited about buying a plot of land that will become home to both of our businesses.

What are we gonna have?

(pictures are inspiration I found on the Internet)

Patchwork Academy: A microschool (modern one-room schoolhouse) that I am already in the process of getting running

A chapel for small weddings, a sunrise service on Easter, a Christmas Eve service, and photography sessions

A yurt (for receptions, meetings, day camps, etc.) gardens, a greenhouse, and a few farm animals.

So begins our story… Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date on our adventures!

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